The Big Border Border Hunt is a new web-based Augmented Reality (AR) film exhibition, taking place in Wilton Lodge Park Saturday 28 October – Sunday 12 November, featuring auld footage of Hawick from the 1960s to the 1980s. It is part of wider research project by Alchemy’s artist in residence Jules Horne.
Sounds cool! What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented Reality is when a digital image is shown on top of the real world through a mobile device such as a smartphone.
What’s that mean in the context of this project?
By accessing the film exhibition, you will be able to see archive footage through any mobile phone that has an internet browser and a camera app. The footage will appear on top of the real world.
Okay. How do I find the exhibition?
The exhibition takes place across five locations, or ‘bogle hotspots’, in Wilton Lodge Park. All the locations are visible from one another and each relates to a different theme: Bogle Belles, Blazin Bogles, Band O Bogles, Bogle Bairns, and Tak Tent O Time. Their locations are illustrated on the below map.
Yes, but how do I access it?
Watch oot! Bogles aboot! You’ll need to do the following:
- Bring your smartphone. Make sure it is as fully charged as it can be, as the web-based AR experience can consume battery quite quickly.
- Make sure your phone also has an internet signal/data connection/data allowance.
- Open your phone’s camera app and point it at the QR code on the information board at the location in question. When prompted, you’ll need to grant the web-based AR experience permissions to use your camera and microphone.
- A weblink should appear on your screen. Tap the weblink! After a short loading time, a welcome menu will appear on your phone screen with instructions. Directly tape your screen to navigate the menu and the film footage should appear on your phone screen, as long as you keep your camera app open and hold it at head height, as if taking a picture.Don’t forget to move your phone around, to see more footage! Tap your way through to the next lot of clips before moving on to the next location.
Can I take a photo or record video of my experience?
Yes! The AR experience allows you to record video and take photos. To record video, simply tap the circles icon located at the bottom-left of your screen. To take a photo, tap the camera icon at the bottom-centre of your screen.
Please be aware that any photos or video recordings will take up storage capacity on your mobile phone. Where the screenshots and video recordings are stored on your phone will depend on your phone’s settings.
Great! Is there any other way to interact with the exhibition?
Yes! A 32-page booklet, containing loads more context about the footage and wider project and ample space for writing notes and making sketches, is available for free from Alchemy’s offices in Heart of Hawick.
Is there a way to share the photos, videos and sketches of my AR experience?
Yes! Please send them to or upload them to social media, tagging us @alchemyfilmandarts and using the hashtag #BogleHunt.
This project experiments with creative technology and Augmented Reality (AR). While every effort has been made to make your experience of it as smooth and problem-free as possible, a few ‘teething problems’ may persist due to unpredictable factors relating to signal/connectivity, the model of your mobile phone, the browser you use to access the internet, and technical issues to do with the AR software.
I have scanned the QR code and tapped on the weblink and black rectangles are appearing.
The experience is still loading. Please be patient. If this persists for a long time, try reloading the page/browser, or close the browser and scan the QR code again.
I have scanned the QR code and tapped on the weblink but cannot get beyond the loading screen.
Make sure you have sufficient mobile data. Try closing any unused browser tabs and reload the page.
It started out fine but now it’s really slow.
If you have visited more than one of the QR codes, make sure to close the browser tab of any previously visited ‘bogle hotspots’.
What do the onscreen buttons mean?
Tapping the circles icon at the bottom-left of the screen will start to record a video to your phone’s storage. Tapping the camera icon at the bottom-centre of the screen will allow you to take a photo of the AR experience.
Map design: pmgd