Alchemy Film & Arts invites young people to enrol in Outwith, an exciting new film academy for young people in the Scottish Borders.
This 12-month creative mentorship scheme is designed for young people interested in exploring creativity through film and other media. Enrolment is free and no previous experience in filmmaking is required.
Outwith will be delivered by artists, filmmakers and industry professionals exploring a range of creative methods and experimental storytelling techniques to offer multiple learning opportunities outwith formal education. Such methods include collective making and ideas sharing, games and play, connection and conversation, creative writing and active listening, experimentation with voice, lighting effects and more.
Upon enrolling in this 12-month project, participants will be introduced to experimental filmmaking techniques and work collaboratively with guest filmmakers to produce films in a safe and supportive workshop environment. Participants will then work on expanded and more self-led film projects, forming a dynamic and collaborative network of young creative people across the Borders with the support of Alchemy Film & Arts. This network is designed to support young people’s creativity through connection, collaboration, skills development, mentorship and friendship.
Participants will have the opportunity to screen their films as part of Alchemy’s year-round programme. They will also have the opportunity to curate their own events, develop their writing skills and actively watch, discuss and think about films beyond the conventions of mainstream cinema.
March: Partnership Agreements and participant sign-ups
March – June: Filmmaking skills workshops, and introduction to the project
June – September: Filmmaking project (each group is paired with a professional filmmaker, to make a collaborative film together)
September – January: Variety of film based workshops and projects to select from (filmmaking, film programming, writing, exhibition, curation)
January: Screening, exhibitions and celebrations of work created
February – March: Sustainability Action Plan to ensure legacy of the network for young people
Alchemy is looking to select 50 participants aged 16 – 25, from five partnering community groups: Hadrian Creatives, Scottish Borders LGBT Equality, Youth Borders, Branching Out and Borders Youth Theatre.
Suggested deadline: 19 March 2021
For more information email
Outwith is a new partnership project for young people from Alchemy Film & Arts, supported through Creative Scotland’s Youth Arts Access Fund.