EQUALITIES, DIVERSITIES AND INCLUSION ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ANONYMOUS By completing the following section you assist us in our ongoing commitment to the widest possible involvement and inclusion in all aspects of our work, as outlined in our Equalities, Diversities and Inclusion Action Plan.If your work has multiple directors please complete a separate form for each director. How would you describe your gender? * Man Woman Non-Binary I’d prefer not to say I identify my gender in another way (please specify)I identify my gender in another way (please specify) How would you describe your ethnicity? * African African Scottish African British Arab Arab Scottish Arab British Asian Asian Scottish Asian British Black Black Scottish Black British Caribbean Caribbean Scottish Caribbean British Chinese Chinese Scottish Chinese British Gypsy / Traveller Irish Polish White White Scottish White British I’d prefer not to say Mixed or Multiple Ethnic GroupsMixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups Another (please specify)Another (please specify) Do you have a health condition or disability? * Cognitive or Learning Disabilities Hearing Impairment or Deaf Mental Health Condition Non-Disabled Other Long Term or Chronic Condition Visual Impairment I'd prefer not to say Another (please specify)Another (please specify) Age * 16 – 24 years 25 – 44 years 45 – 64 years 65+ years I'd prefer not to say How would you describe your sexual orientation? * Bisexual Gay Heterosexual/Straight Lesbian Not Sure I'd prefer not to say I describe my sexual orientation in another way (please specify)I describe my sexual orientation in another way (please specify) Δ