Alchemy Film & Arts are honoured to partner with Dandelion, a nationwide creative arts programme, and contribute to its Unexpected Gardens project.
Culminating in hundreds of harvest festivals in September 2022 — from the Scottish Borders to the Outer Hebrides — Dandelion’s Unexpected Gardens project is designed to bring together artists, scientists, musicians, performers, technologists and communities to reactivate sites across Scotland including car parks, coastlines and community libraries.
Alchemy’s contribution to Unexpected Gardens will manifest as Rich, Rich Soil, a creative programme of events in partnership with Hawick’s existing community gardens, building on the town’s thriving growing activities and inviting Borders communities to explore ideas of belonging, migration and memory, with a particular focus on food and its relationship to trade, movement, colonialism and political resistance.
Rich, Rich Soil is an intensification and expansion of activity relating to and emerging from The Teviot, the Flag and the Rich, Rich Soil – our residencies, commissions and community engagement programme exploring the borders, boundaries and lines of Hawick.