

Read More is an ongoing Alchemy Film & Arts project designed to encourage additional engagement with its film exhibitions and other events. Available to read at relevant exhibitions and in the Alchemy Film & Arts office, Read More consists of books and other reading materials recommended by artists to complement their Alchemy-related events.

Darae Baek‘s contribution to Read More coincides with Language makes me an uncertain person, an interactive two-channel film installation showing on Hawick High Street, 14 – 28 February 2020.

Investigating stillness and movement, the internal and external, and the relationship between viewer and viewed, Language makes me an uncertain person is part of Forage/Image, Alchemy’s project exploring the relationship between artists, landscapes and environment.

  • CHION, Michel (1990). Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • DERRIDA, Jacques (1976). Of Grammatologie. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • HERZOG, Amy (2010). Dreams of Difference, Songs of the Same: The Musical Moment in Film. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • RANCIÈRE, Jacques (2009). The Emancipated Spectator. London: Verso.
  • VERNALLIS, Carol (2013). Unruly Media: YouTube, Musical Video and the New Digital Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.