Become a Film Festival Volunteer! The Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival in Hawick (Scottish Borders) offers great opportunities for film enthusiasts to work as volunteers.
By volunteering, you become an active partner in the operation of this Hawick event, with a strong global appeal. Because we cannot present the Festival without the hard work and absolute dedication of our volunteers, in return, we offer:
• The opportunity to contribute to Hawick’s cultural community, meet new people and have fun
• Access to screenings and events at the 2018 Alchemy Film Festival (3-7 May 2018)
• One ticket to a screening of your choice.
• Free entry to any screening that still has empty seats 5 minutes before.
• Discount (cost price) on Alchemy T-shirts and bags.
• Including your time with Alchemy on your CV.
• A special Volunteer Appreciation Event at the end of festival.
Volunteer positions we seek to fill are detailed below. Whatever your skills, they will be valued. If you have specific experience that you would like to put into action, please do let us know. Likewise, if you have particular learning goals you would like to achieve while volunteering, please be sure to share those with us so we can facilitate the best possible volunteer experience. While most of the tasks require you to be present in Hawick during the festival, it is also possible to fulfil some roles working remotely.
• Hospitality/Guest Driver
These roles are all about giving our filmmakers and guests the warmest of welcomes to the festival. You could be picking up filmmakers from the airport/train station who’ve traveled from all over the world to come to Hawick, or guiding them to their accommodation in the town.
• Photography/Videography
An essential part of the festival is capturing the moments that make the experience unique – we need stills and film documentation of the event, and you could help.
• Artist interviews, event blogging & social media
This can be to enhance the way we share the festival experience – writing a daily report on the festival during the 4 days, taking snaps of the festival atmosphere for our social media channels, or perhaps interviewing filmmakers for video documentation.
• Welcome desk
The main source of information for visitors when they arrive in Hawick, staffing the Welcome Desk is all about giving the best possible welcome to everyone who walks through the doors at our main venue, Heart of Hawick, Tower Mill. From here we give directions to accommodation, hand out filmmaker passes, sell t-shirts, and much more.
• Event usher
This could be helping to usher an event, clearing halls and venues/de-rigging events, guiding people into performance venues, or facilitating the audience having the best possible experience of our screenings and events.
• Signage & Interpretation
Be part of the team that lets everyone know the festival is here – this could be placing directional signage, posters, exhibition interpretation, banners and much more.
• Venue preparation/DIY aficionado
We will host 10-12 moving image installations in venues around Hawick. Some venues are ex-shops, some are community halls or libraries or ex-offices and they all need support to install an artist’s work. You’ll be working alongside an international selection of artists to install work of the highest quality. Jobs like painting, cleaning, building, venue dressing and other essential tasks.
• AV Technician for Events and Installation
If you have training and/or experience of AV tech, you could help us with the installation of artist’s moving image or the production of expanded cinema events, making a vital contribution to the programme.
• Art installation invigilation
Be the first point of contact for visitors to our installations, providing a warm welcome and information about the work in the programme.
You can contact us here.