
Show and Tell 2018: Leslie Raymond

Leslie Raymond

Filmmaker, Programmer, Staff, a mom, a friend, a wife, an artist

1. What’s your idea of perfect happiness?:

Not having to look at my computer all day.

2. What drives you to make films?:

Free time.

3. Where in the world would you most like to be right now?:


4. When inspiration is waning, and you feel creatively sapped, what do you do to stay motivated?:

Be in the physical world.

5. What films are the most inspiring or influential to you at the moment, and why?:

What was your favorite sunny day last year?

Your top 3 favourite music tracks?:

For over a year, “The Vibrant Rhythm of Ancient Heroes” played on my car stereo, Guqin music performed by Shuishan Yu. My favorite tracks:

1. Returning After Resigning

2. Scratching One’s Head and Beseeching Heaven

3. Beating Cloth

7. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?:

Jump from a 90′ rock cliff into a river below.

8. What’s your greatest extravagance?:

My fortune cookie fortune collection.

9. What turns you on – creatively, spiritually or emotionally?:

Being in the flow.

Leslie will be presenting 56TH ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL at Alchemy.