Show and Tell 2018: Linda Fenstermaker
Linda Fenstermaker
1. What’s your idea of perfect happiness?:
A balance of learning, stimulation and confidence
2. What drives you to make films?:
My connection to the celluloid medium and the way that serves as an outlet for my own internal states
3. Where in the world would you most like to be right now?:
4. When inspiration is waning, and you feel creatively sapped, what do you do to stay motivated?:
I try to reflect and give myself time and space to let the creative juices flow. I go into nature, connect with people on deeper levels and write.
5. What films are the most inspiring or influential to you at the moment, and why?:
I have always loved Tarkovsky films because of his deep connection to the past and mesmerizing way of depicting nature.
Your top 3 favourite music tracks?:
Little Lies Fleetwood Mac
This Must Be The Place Talking Heads
Downbound Train Bruce Springsteen
7. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?:
Started my own farm business
8. What’s your greatest extravagance?:
Eating at locally sourced, experimentally inspired restaurants
9. What turns you on – creatively, spiritually or emotionally?:
A good drumbeat on a song
A final word?
P.S. Do you have any favourites or highlights from this year’s Alchemy programme that you’d love to give a shoutout to here?